Shipping & Returns
Return Policy
You may return new, unopened items sold and fulfilled by within thirty days of delivery for a full refund. Items should be returned in their original product packaging. We will pay the return shipment fee if the return is the result of our error. Otherwise, a return shipment fee will apply.
Exceptions to this policy are:
- Items not returned within thirty days
- Items that have obvious signs of use
- Items not returned in the condition they were received
You may exchange defective items within 60 days of purchase date. To exchange or return an item, please call 1-866-294-0487 for further instruction.
Refunds are processed after we receive your return. You should expect the refund process to take up to four weeks. This includes the time it takes for us to receive your return from the shipper.
Refunds are calculated in the following ways:
- Any new, unopened items returned within 30 days of delivery will receive a full refund of the item’s original price. If you used our prepaid return mailing label, the cost of shipping will be deducted from your return unless the return is a result of our error.
- Any new, unopened items returned after 30 days, but no later than 90 days, will receive a partial refund of up to 80% of the item’s original price. The cost of shipping will be deducted from your return.
Packing and Sending your Return
- Call 1-866-294-0487 to obtain a RMA#. (Return Manufacture Acceptance)
- Write the RMA# on the packing slip and place in box.
- Call 1-800-PICK-UPS to have the order picked up, or take it to your nearest UPS drop box.
- If you have lost your packing slip or have any questions, please call 1-866-294-0487.
International Shipments
International orders will only be taken by calling 1-866-294-0487 or by emailing
Due to customs regulations, the recipient may be subject to custom fees and import duties of the country the order is shipped too. Novus Products has no control over these fees and we cannot speculate as to what they will be. These fees are the duty of the recipient. We would also like our customers to be aware that cross-boarder shipments are subject to searches by customs officials.
Any other questions please call 1-866-294-0487
Shipping and Handling
All shipments are sent via UPS. Please expect the shipment to take five to ten days from the date your order was placed to reach the recipient, unless you have chosen the 2Day or 3Day option. UPS will not ship to P.O. Boxes.
Standard shipments have a $2.00 handling fee. 2-Day and 3-Day shipments have a $3.00 handling fee.
Shipping cost for most items is based on weight. All weights are rounded up to the next pound.
Any questions please call 1-866-294-0487.